November 14, 2008

Frustration...need sleep

So, ok. My perfect mate is not always perfect. And although I appreciate him more than many could ever imagine, there are times that I just don't get him. Or perhaps, he doesn't get me.

We spent a long hour or so earlier this evening discussing the importance of sleep hygiene.

You see, I don't least not well. I haven't for the better part of a decade give or take a few months here or there. But, it's something that I, that we have been working on. Trying to improve our habits and surrounding environment to help get better sleep. On the rare occasion it happens, everyone is the better for it.

Perhaps, I should backtrack a bit...
I went to a seminar today regarding the various risk factors that attribute to ill health and chronic disease. One of the topics we discussed was the need for proper sleep hygiene.

For example:
  • going to bed at the same time every night
  • sleeping with the lights out
  • going to bed warm
  • but keeping the temperature moderately cool
  • getting treatment for snoring or apnea
  • Etc...
One of the problems that recurs in our relationship is that he is always hot, even when it's 20 degrees outside. And, well, I'm nearly like the hot chocolate ladies from the SNL skit. I am cold almost all the time. In the dead heat of summer I will get into my car and just sit there to warm up, enjoying the heat as it moves in waves over my body.

Alas, I digress. So we have this discussion about some very interesting yet important pieces of sleep hygiene. Yes, I know "sleep hygiene" is a strange phrase. Around 9:30pm I am freezing! Mind you, I am in bed with 4 sets of covers and an electric blanket on high. (I take my temp for kicks: 97.5 Fahrenheit.) So, I'm heading toward hypothermia for no reason at all. He's on the other side, no covers, sweating! We were watching a movie by the way.

Upon the finish of the film, I am finally warm. Eyelids heavy, I start drifting off. Usually he's long asleep before I. So, I ask if he could possibly take care of the night's chores...feed the pets, turn out the lights. No biggie, right?

He looks right at me and rolls over. I think, "WTF?"

Nearly every night since August I have done the night's chores. You think he can possibly do it one time this month. I know and he knows as well, if I get up at this point I will be UP! It will turn into yet another of my sleepless or minimal sleep nights. Come morning, I will be tired, b*tchy! And because of these events...pissed!

I decide to wait it out, thinking perhaps he just needs to work up the motivation. I ask again. No response, but he's still awake. Still toasty warm, I roll over and fall asleep. Great, good, right?!


I can't sleep long with lights on, so 35 minutes later I am awake and the lights are on and the cat is waiting to go to her room. Yes, we put our cat to bed too. Freaks that we are or I am.

I get up. Do the chores. Begin shivering again!

As I am walking in to go back up to try and sleep, my darling, dearest saunters down the stairs to relieve himself.

Honey: "I love you, but F*%k You!"

I just don't get it. Almost an hour has passed since my request. I could still be sleeping to the benefit of us both. And he decides to get out of bed AFTER I finish doing the chores.

So I am awake and blogging.

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