Ok, so we’re into week 6 or 7, I think.
Recently, I have had the great privilege of hanging out with a few really, really cool people. This “hanging out” has occurred both on and off campus. And I am thrilled!
So far I have discovered 5 or so people that I absolutely adore; several more people that I am quite fond of and many others I look forward to knowing better. Even so, we’re still feeling each other out. Doing the dance!
Personalities are slowly coming into view. People are beginning to let their guard down and their idiosyncrasies are rearing their ugly heads. For example, I have been communicating loosely with this one particular person and I just can’t get a proper reading. There are moments when I feel like…
"Yay, cool. This person is SO completely awesome. I would LOVE to spend some good quality time with him/her."But then, they do something weird or unexpected. Or perhaps, I say something and freak them out. I still haven’t figured this one out yet. And so, I am left wondering…Is it me? Is it them? What happened?
Regardless, I still want to be your friend. If something is weird, or I did or said something stupid please tell me. Communicate! I’m not judging you. And I hate thinking I’ve done something to put you off.
There’s a small group of us that are all from out of state. We’re in the same boat as far as not knowing much about Philly. Some have ventured more than others. More than I! Still, I suspect…and one or two have confirmed that it’s just LONELY!
Yes, lonely without that home support network to lean on. We’re all here as islands without those people who reared us or have watched us grow and prosper…our families, our best friends, the fun guys or girls we used to play Euchre with on Thursday nights. And all the phone calls in the world will not make up for that absence. I know. But...
If you’re lonely too, I implore you to give those of us that are here a try. It’s not a weakness to feel lonely or overwhelmed. Give someone a try. You just may find a new friend you can count on. Someone to hold or hug you when you need a kind touch. Someone to laugh with when, well, whenever!
I get this, people. I’m lonely too. There are 2 things, ok 3 things, you should know about me.
- I am super practical. Pragmatic even.
- You can say pretty much anything to me. And my response may be unexpected…in a good way, so try it.
- I only surround myself with really great people. So, if I’ve picked you…stop questioning yourself. Get to know me too. Spend time with me, please. I’m fun and can feel as equally awkward as you.
We’ll meddle our way through being homesick and lost in Philly together. I look forward to it!
PS Don’t be afraid to call me. I like voice conversations, not just texts.